
Hanazono-inari-jinja in Ueno

I visited in Ueno and Asakusa in Tokyo on 25th.
I like Hanazon-inari-jinja.
The entrance of this shrine is visionary.
The first torii is made of stone.
The others are made of wood  glow red and smaller the the first.

I went under toriis while going downstiars.
I saw some buildings.

The most amazing thing was "Sinobuoka Inari" which is called "Oana sama".
I like the tals about Shinobu Inari.
The story:
In 1625 the monk Amami built the temple Kanei-ji, and foxes were driven away because of peope's temple.Amami was sorry for foxes.So he built for this "Sinobuoka Inari. Amami let peple to respect and thank for the foxes.

Once upon a time,japanese modest in great nature.
Sometimes they had to destroy nature or kill other life.
But they seemed to feel guilty and they tried to coexist with other living thing.
I like this idea.I want to coexist with beautiful nature.

We have to kill animals,other livingthins and thier home.
Because We have to survive and want to be comfortable places for houses,leisure.
But we must never forget the tureth that we killed other living thing as far as we live.

I do not like mordern life that is sure to be comfortable.
Too much comfortable life have people to be lazy ,fat and mihgt occoure serious destruction te enviroment.  

I feel that most japanese forget the heart of classic tradition as far as I see big mordern japanese cities.
cities of Japane waste electric power in vain compared with those of European countries such as Finland,Germany and France.We must chagne our bad habit.

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